We have just completed a contract for a leading financial services company – working with the company’s internal digital team, we managed to double the organic traffic going to the client’s website by the final calendar month of the contract.
Word Waiter works a great deal with financial services websites these days – banks, car finance providers, stockbrokers – you name it. It is one of our main niches. We enjoy working in the sector because our clients are so focused on the metrics – on the results, which is our focus as an SEO consultancy.
This particular financial services client recently appointed us to increase traffic to, and leads from, their main loans website that targets consumers across the UK.
After auditing their website, we noticed the company faced a huge number of technical issues on their website – many of them relatively challenging to deal with – ranging from major crawlability issues (many to do with the way the website had been programmed) to the misuse of robots.txt.
So we produced an onsite SEO “plan of action” for the site, prioritized according to the estimated ROI (i.e. the higher the ROI, the higher the priority of the action).
Once the client was happy with everything, we supported the implementation of the technical SEO plan. We also advised on link earning via PR, as well as onsite content and social media.
So what were the results? The improvement strong and steady, and during the last calendar month of the contract, the client’s year-on-year…:
- website sessions more than doubled
- unique users more than doubled
- loan applications increased markedly.
Only around 50% of our SEO plan of action was implemented during the span of our contract, so this company will be able to use our recommendations to boost its online performance further still. We are retained to support the full implementation of our technical SEO plan of action.
Get in touch to find out more about our specialist SEO services.
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